Thursday 3 May 2012


3 May – She Who Walks Alone…with One:  “Journey Pauses”.

My book is punctuated (what a lovely, sounding word..!) with “Journey Pauses” at strategic places within the relevant chapters.   You know how it is when you’re on a long journey; you’ve been strapped in and buckled up for hours and you just need a chance to stop and regroup, in order to freshen and gather yourself.   That’s exactly what the role of “journey pauses” in my book.  After you’ve walked a mile (or three!) with me, they allow you an opportunity to stop, refresh, regroup and remember incidents from your own life journey; times, places…faces.  And even as you go through you’re daily tasks, just remember to make sure you take a “Journey Pause” – it’ll help to make your journey a little bit more fun!

The following Journey Pause is from Chapter 8 – “Sista to Sista” – in preparation of what’s in store… Grateful for your comments…

Shalisa Anthony, Author

Journey Pause:  I’m pausing at this point to explain the difference between “seeing” or “dating” someone, as based on my journey experiences, as well as from those gleaned from my interactions and conversations with other fellow travellers:

“Seeing” someone is, I believe a mutual “booty” call.  It’s an unwritten but mutually accepted agreement that you’re both “with” each other in the moment; i.e. it’s saying that when you’re together, you’re together and when you’re not, you’re not.  Seeing does not necessitate any real commitment with the person involved; it just is.  “Dating” however involves a (hopefully!) mutual decision to meet someone, usually the person of your affections and desire, in advance and the very nature of the word serves to define the nature of said meeting. 

In most Western cultures, “dating” is usually with an assumed end in mind for both parties (either sex or marriage, depending on which end of the spectrum you are at!)  Sadly, many sistas are “seeing” men all the while believing they’re “dating” them and many brothas are afraid to “see” a sista, even on a platonic relationship, just in case she gets the wrong idea and thinks they’re now “dating”!  Oh, the complexities of life…!

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