Tuesday, 4 December 2012


Shalisa & Bishop N C Dyer, Ministry of Restoration Int'l Pentecostal Church
Picture by Sheree Todd Photograpy
Tel 07956 386688

The official book launch of "She Who Walks Alone with One" was held on 17 November at the Ilford Central Library.  When I thought only 30-40 people would arrive, I was pleasantly surprised (shocked, actually!) so see over 100 people at the event, with standing room only!

Book Launch Audience during author Q&A
Picture by Sheree Todd Photograpy
Tel 07956 386688

Audience Participation (& Laughs!) during Author Q&A
Picture by Sheree Todd Photograpy
Tel 07956 386688

Thursday, 31 May 2012



"Everyone, every woman has a story to tell, but few are willing to relive it much less have the courage to tell it.  It’s painful to watch yourself from your now enlightened place, do and say things you would never do now.  It is hard for the swan to ever imagine the ugly duckling she knew so well, was once her – but it’s true!  It is hard to imagine how the sharing of a few of your life experiences can help heal a fellow traveller’s hurt, can soothe a lonely hurt and comfort a tender soul.  “SWWA…WO” is the sharing of my life journey as I traversed the pot holes of low self esteem and relational and emotional road works and many other issues we as women face along our own (and collective) life journeys.  It is not a walk in the park but a look at a sista’s journey from the shadows into the light – for when I thought it was all over, when I thought I was a dead-end, when I thought I was truly alone… I didn’t know He was with me all along…"

I like to write, no, I love to write (as is evidenced by the numererous pens, papers and half-filled notepads and bits of paper that always seem to adorn my environment...! But just holding a pen doesn't make you an author... or does it? 

My sister encouraged me to tell "my story" - which at first I was very reluctant to do because, let's face it, it's only B-star celebrities who seem to rise in popularity after a little "kiss & tell" story ...!   But in hindsight, I began to see my story as an ordinary woman with a little extraordinary story, as a stepping stone for someone else coming up behind me... and, truth be told, if my life journey thus far can shine a light of love and laughter along YOUR path, then my job is done. 

(Failing that, it's a salacious slice of life at "ordinary" - and believe me when I say, it's not as ordinary as you'd think...!") 

So sit back and enjoy the journey … I think you’ll like it…!

Wednesday, 30 May 2012


As the song says "ain't no stopping us now!" 

<a href="http://www.topblogarea.com/humor/" title="Humor blogs"><img border="0" src="http://www.topblogarea.com/tracker.php?do=in&id=203244" alt="Humor blogs"></a>
<br /><a href="http://www.webbhotelljury.se/%22%3Ewww.webbhotelljury.se%3C/a>

Blog Top Sites

Well, I'm really getting deeper into "blog country"... so with my David Livingstone safari suit on and my walking stick and net in hand, I'm determined to get it, lol!  For all would be and fledging bloggers, check out this link:

<a href="//www.blogtopsites.com/literature/" title="Literature Blogs" target="_blank"><img style="border:none" src="//www.blogtopsites.com/v_136309.gif" alt="Literature Blogs" /></a><br /><a target="_blank" href="//www.blogtopsites.com/literature/" style="font-size:10px;">Literature blogs</span></a>
...and remember, your story is too important NOT to tell...!

hotvsnot update!

List your site in the <a href="http://www.hotvsnot.com/%22%3EHot Vs Not web directory</a>  You can find other related resources in the <a href="http://www.hotvsnot.com/Arts/Literature/Authors/%22%3EAuthors Directory </a>

Thursday, 3 May 2012


3 May – She Who Walks Alone…with One:  “Journey Pauses”.

My book is punctuated (what a lovely, sounding word..!) with “Journey Pauses” at strategic places within the relevant chapters.   You know how it is when you’re on a long journey; you’ve been strapped in and buckled up for hours and you just need a chance to stop and regroup, in order to freshen and gather yourself.   That’s exactly what the role of “journey pauses” in my book.  After you’ve walked a mile (or three!) with me, they allow you an opportunity to stop, refresh, regroup and remember incidents from your own life journey; times, places…faces.  And even as you go through you’re daily tasks, just remember to make sure you take a “Journey Pause” – it’ll help to make your journey a little bit more fun!

The following Journey Pause is from Chapter 8 – “Sista to Sista” – in preparation of what’s in store… Grateful for your comments…

Shalisa Anthony, Author

Journey Pause:  I’m pausing at this point to explain the difference between “seeing” or “dating” someone, as based on my journey experiences, as well as from those gleaned from my interactions and conversations with other fellow travellers:

“Seeing” someone is, I believe a mutual “booty” call.  It’s an unwritten but mutually accepted agreement that you’re both “with” each other in the moment; i.e. it’s saying that when you’re together, you’re together and when you’re not, you’re not.  Seeing does not necessitate any real commitment with the person involved; it just is.  “Dating” however involves a (hopefully!) mutual decision to meet someone, usually the person of your affections and desire, in advance and the very nature of the word serves to define the nature of said meeting. 

In most Western cultures, “dating” is usually with an assumed end in mind for both parties (either sex or marriage, depending on which end of the spectrum you are at!)  Sadly, many sistas are “seeing” men all the while believing they’re “dating” them and many brothas are afraid to “see” a sista, even on a platonic relationship, just in case she gets the wrong idea and thinks they’re now “dating”!  Oh, the complexities of life…!

Wednesday, 2 May 2012

My Bubble's Been Burst....

Okay, it seems as if the fizz is going out of the bottle of bubbly I was waving around last week.  I've now hit the most common and probably traumatic roadblock - finances!  Seems self publishing means you must have cash up front (or in my case, just cash anywhere!!), in order to complete the process.  But did a few failed experiments stop Edison, Fleming and even Richard Branson.?...?  I think not! So, I'll be looking for pennies from heaven - as well as on the ground - and I hope to give a more positive report next time.

Shalisa Anthony, Author

Wednesday, 25 April 2012


This is the final (final, FINAL!) book cover version...
What y'all think...? And in case you're wondering... the "red stuff" are rose petals (if you know Shalisa, you'll understand why, lol!)
MB just sent me the following via emaiL
Aaaaamen! Keep Pushing! No cesarean!
Thanks for the scan pictures.
I will come to visit the new born when you recover."

And all I could say was....
"hahahaha, I hear you! At the moment, I feel like kissing me teeth & leaving the delivery room; but the water's already broken.  Lawd help me..! 
Thanks for your support (& pls fwd blog link to all y'all friends dem!)"

Birthing a Book is H.A.R.D..

20/4: She Who Walks Alone

Cor, I respect women who’ve carried a baby for 9 months (give or take a week or two)  This “baby” of mine is half-way out and, well, let’s just say it’s not an easy walk at the moment! 

Ever been in a position like that – not literally, of course.

You want to go forward but things aren’t quite in place – and you know you can’t quite go back; so you have to “be still” and wait.  Ahha, now where have I heard that before?  “Be still and know that I am God” (Ps 46:10).  The book is currently in the process of “coming out” but it’s a teeth-grinding, face-screwing moment, cos I just want it out …N.O.W..

Just when I think it’s time to “push”, the midwife (aka the publishing company) are saying “no dear, it’s not yet time”. … and yet, just when I’m taking a well-deserved break, having my brow mopped, my hand held and a sip of cool water, they burst in and shout “push, push, push” (dunno what they take this thing for, eh)

But seriously, it’s on the way and I hope y’all be excited about it as I am.

(PS: You know how some parents, especially Mum’s are about their baby; in their eyes, the newborn is the BEST born, the most beautifulest, cutiest, coo-coo-choiest (okay, that word doesn’t exist, but you know what I mean, lol). 

They sit there, showing of their new addition to any and everyone within eye and earshot.  Yet to you and me, the baby is …well… it has looks that only a mother could love (have mercy).  So, when the book does come out, please be gentle with me; to me, it’ll be the bestest (opps, there I go again) book ever but to you, dear reader it might be …well…something that only an author could love)

Back soon to you know how it’s going
Shalisa Anthony, Author

Intro to "She Who Walks Alone..."

My story is not one of drug abuse, prostitution, abortion – but it is about the pain and reality of that old adage “looking for love in all the wrong places”; it is about trying to find myself when I really didn’t know what or who I was looking for.  It is about opening that door, the secret door to the self, in the hope that the glimmer of light that comes through may well help someone else behind me.  It is about looking for my “Daddy” in the arms of so many pretenders, often misinterpreting a look, a whisper in order to be “Daddy’s Girl”.  I know I am not alone in this, but I recognise my journey is about realising that who and what I was ultimately seeking and looking for, was always with me…

It was about touching the heart of women who have bled themselves to death while wearing a smile and doing “God’s work”.  These women throw themselves into church, social and civil work, seeking to “give back” without ever being replenished themselves.  They are the “singles” (aka unmarried ones) as well as those who are married but who, behind closed doors, still feel single and alone; they are the married ones, trying to multi-task and juggle all that life is throwing at them but somehow feel they are missing the mark.  There are also the divorced, the separated, the elderly and others, who like the lost coin in the parable, are secretly wanting to know who God really is, and if they will ever really belong.

It is about women who have only ever wanted someone, anyone, to love them for themselves; but because they do not know who they are, they don’t know or recognise that they are already loved.  It is for every woman who has woken up next to some “man” only to realise the nightmare is real, because midnight promises always fade away in the cold chill of the morning.

So, it is to those women, young and old, rich and poor, black and white, that I extend this invitation to walk a portion of this journey with me, in the hope you will allow the healing touch of God, the One Who walks and has always walked with you, to minister to you.  May you begin to see and realise your journey to where you are now, has not been in vain.

Let me go back to the beginning.  Every journey has a beginning and I invite you to come join me at this junction, for where I have been, you might have yet to walk…. So come, take a little walk with me, “She Who Walks Alone… with One